Jan is a third generation born and; bred kiwi. My father was a bit of a gypsy which meant we travelled a lot and I grew up in a variety of places. This is how I developed the passion for travel and exploring new places. I currently live in the best region within New Zealand – The Bay of Plenty – a spectacular seaside resort called Mount Maunganui – and I love it. I co-founded Zealandier Tours back in 2006 and we have developed this business into a travel hub over the years to become a totally family run business. We are all passionate about not only our region, but all of New Zealand. National Geographic call us the World in Miniature and it is such an appropriate title as we have something to offer everybody who visits.
I am most passionate about sharing our local iwi – Maori people’s stories & culture, along with our active geothermal volcanic zone and abundance of natural resources. I was a nurse in my first life (as I call it), business developments next & tourism has been my third vocation of choice. Its been a great transition from each vocation to now, I am caring, I am business focused and passionate about our country, people and travel.
We cater to many types of traveller, – cruise ship passenger shore excursions, local elderly traveller, inbound international traveller, transport transfers, conference delegates & partner tours, outbound traveller and the faith based pilgrimage traveller. I am surrounded by a fantastic team of people who make this business all possible.