A dormant Rotorua geyser has started erupting water for the first time in 36 years. Experts hope the Papakura Geyser in Rotorua is a sign of things to come. The Papakura geyser at Rotorua’s Te Puia tourist attraction became dormant in 1979. But two years ago it started bubbling again, and this week she sprung back into life. Back in the 1980’s a plan was established to start shutting down the bores in the area, which had sapped the water from the geysers, rendering them dormant. It’s taken close to four decades for the plan to have any effect. Advertisement GNS scientists have been monitoring the situation. Volcanologist Brad Scott told One News the Papakura geyser is performing as is to be expected, intermittently spouting water four or five metres into the air. It’s hoped with time, it will return to normal, and explode continuously.
Source: Rotorua geyser bursts back into life after 36 years of inactivity
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